Thursday, May 22, 2008


Last night at our prayer room there was a group of us watching the movie Finger of God (which, by the way, if you haven't seen -- GET IT!! It will shatter your religious box), and the spirit of healing fell over us. 

We began to pray for one another for healing and almost everyone who got prayer was completely healed! It was incredible. We saw shoulder injuries, neck problems, and heart problems among others being healed... Even I got healed!

My right knee has always been slightly bow-legged and it hasn't usually bothered me except that it causes my right foot to turn outwards at an angle and it messes up my balance. I was working out the other day and I hurt my knee doing lunges, so I was in some pain when I went to the prayer room. After watching the movie and seeing everyone get healed I asked my friends to pray for my knee that it would stop hurting (I was just expecting the pain to go away). 

But when they began praying for me I felt heat like fire in my knee and a strange, almost indescribably tingling feeling start shooting out from my kneecap. Then the weirdest thing happened -- my kneecap started shifting over!! I freaked out and my friend told me to stand up and test out my knee. When I did I noticed that my right knee wasn't crooked anymore, but it was completely straight in line with my other knee. When I tried walking I also noticed that my balance had shifted and my right foot didn't turn out when I walked.

The Lord completely rearranged my knee. He totally straightened and restored my balance to me! It was awesome! I now completely enjoy walking around. =)

The Lord is doing a new work! I'm excited to see what He's got up His sleeve in the future. Hopefully I'll be able to find some way of updating this or getting a "testimony" page for future testimonies. 

Revelations 19:10 says that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. That basically means that what He did for someone else, He'll do for you! Hallelujah!

1 comment:

andrew said...

I love the Finger of God documentary. We have shown it twice publicly in our church building and I am still loaning copies out to people around Perth.

Thanks for sharing this faith building testimony!!