Saturday, May 10, 2008

Let Your Fire Fall!

So I had an awesome God encounter last night!

A bunch of us from the church were gathered at a prayer meeting at the House prayer room in order to seek God for a fresh baptism of His fire. We were pressing in and Pastor Jamey had everyone come up to the front so He could impart some of the things he got while being out in Redding, California with Bill Johnson (fyi: their ministry is exploding in miracles, signs, and wonders! and -- check them out!).

I was the first to rush up there, because lets face it - when you're hungry for God nothing is going to stand in your way! Jamey laid hands on me and I don't know how to describe it other than the fire of God fell on me. My hand began shaking and trembling and it felt as though they were on fire. Then it was as if my whole body was burning from the inside and there was just a heavy glory resting upon me. It was incredible!

After I "recovered" I went around praying for other people around me and they all experienced the same thing -- the burning fire of God.

The most amazing part of the evening, however, was after everyone was done and a few of us (mostly the "younger crowd" of 20-somethings) were underneath the lights and we began noticing that our hands were sparkling. So when we checked it out we noticed that we had gold flecks all over our hands! It was awesome. There are countless stories of gold dust falling from heaven during worship gatherings and prayer meetings, and I believe we encountered it! My friend Matt mentioned that he wouldn't be surprised if it kept happening at all our worship gatherings.

Anyway, the point is that God is wanting to pour out His Spirit on His people like never before! We are called to walk as Jesus walked - in signs, miracles, and wonders.

Jesus was just an ordinary man. No, truly! He couldn't do miracles or heal the sick or raise the dead. He laid down all His God-given rights and became fully a man in order to recapture what Adam lost. He lived His life as a man in right relationship with God, fully dependent on Holy Spirit. The difference between Jesus and us is that He had no sin (except through His death now we are counted as without sin, blameless in His sight! glory to God!) and that He was FULLY dependent on Holy Spirit (how fully dependent are we? maybe that's why we aren't moving in the things that Jesus moved in). Jesus said that He could do nothing, but that all He did was from the Father.

So with us, its the same. If we aren't moving in signs and wonders and if we aren't raising the dead... we are living FAR below our birthright!!

But the Lord is bringing His Spirit on His people. It's been happening all around the world and both in Lakeland, Florida (Todd Bentley) and Redding, California (Bill Johnson). Both of them prophecied recently that there would be an outpouring in Minnesota and the midwest. I believe I was evidence to the beginning of some kind of revival last night. Jesus is really on the move here!

I encourage anyone reading this to consider pressing in for more baptism of fire! The Lord is beginning to show Himself in signs and wonders and miracles all around us and if we continue to seek Him while He's near, we might just catch the wave!

Lord, I pray that Your fire would fall on Your people! That the consuming fire would come and remove all that hinders love. That You would shatter the box of our theology and pour out a new release of the baptism of Your spirit! Father, move in our midst that we may see Your glory and Your kingdom advanced on this earth! Amen.

This image is from another outpouring where gold dust came upon a Pastor.
Ours was similar but not as intense.

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