Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Who I Am

Below I've listed some of the things of what God has put in me. My core values, my guiding beliefs, the vision for my life and my mission while I'm on this earth. It should be what you need to know about my perspective.

Here are my four core values that dictate the decisions I make and the way I choose to live my life.
1. God is ALWAYS good. Always.
2. Nothing is impossible (see above).
3. I stand from a place of victory.
4. I am significant.

Here are my guiding beliefs that I will choose to put into practice in my life for the rest of my days:

I. Having correct priorities (in order)--
1. God - my relationship with Him
2. Family - my husband, then my children, then other family
3. Ministry - I'm a Christian first and foremost
4. Job - my responsibility on this earth
5. Recreation & Hobbies

II. Being FULLY dependant on Holy Spirit
1. Living my life as Jesus lived His - a human in right relationship with God, fully dependant on Holy Spirit
2. Walking in Humility - I will know who I am and how great the Lord has made me, and yet I will choose to elevate those around me above myself

III. Everything done in Love.
1. Every word spoken and every action done through the revelation of the Father's heart.
2. God is not angry.

IV. Inheritance
1. Everything I have must be passed off to the next generation in order to consider my life successful.
2. Input and Output - in order to avoid fruitlessness I will build up the "river inside me" but giving out what the Lord gives me

V. Culture of Honor
1. Honor every authority placed in my life in order to stay under the spiritual covering of blessing the Lord has given me.
2. Submission -- come under the mission the Lord has given me through those in authority over me.

VI. Foward moving
1. The Kingdom of God is always advancing, never retreating so I will live my life accordingly.
2. I am always looking to others to work in unity. I am not a one man show.

VII. Kingdom living
1. I will give to the poor and the widows and I will tithe faithfully because I know I am called to be financially blessed in this life and the next.
2. God is never in lack of anything. I should live my life representing Him in such a way.

VIII. Holy Saint, Child of God
1. I am no longer a sinner saved by grace -- I am a Saint and the devil cannot touch me.
2. I am Holy and set apart -- I am Spiritual Royalty. I have the keys to the Kingdom.

These are the lenses through which I view the world:
1. Prophet-- The Prophetic lense: The Lord is speaking. He is revealing His heart. My job is to declare who the Lord is to a world that doesn't know Him. Period.
2. Priest -- The Worship lense: I am created to worship so it is what I will do through my life, my love, and my song. I will forever sit at His feet and minister to Him in worship and adoration for all of my days.
3. King -- The Apostolic lense: Everything is done in my life to change the world. I am a world changer. I am called to effect the kings of this world and disciple nations.
[Jesus was a Prophet, a Priest, and a King. So am I.]

My Vision (my ultimate destination in this life):I am one who has an intimate relationship with God to change the world for Him through a life of worship and stewardship.

My Mission (should I choose to accept it --my movement towards the vision):
1. To have a close and personal relationship with God
2. To prepare His bride to be pure and spotless
3. To affect the world with His kingdom.

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