Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Need a blessing? Here's a tip.

Do you need healing in your body?
Do you need financial provision?
Do you need protection from the enemy in your spiritual walk?
Well let me tell you about a miracle cure for all these that ail you.

No, I'm not trying to sell you some gimicky product. I'm trying to sell you a Biblical principle that will change your life. Interested? Read on!

In my last post I talk about living out of a Royal mindset and not out of a Pauper-based mindset. We should realize that we have the Kingdom of Heaven and the riches of a King at our fingertips and that we are in lack of nothing. We represent a God who has no lack or need.

However, here is another financial issue that is huge. And when I mean huge, I mean HUGE. It has to do with giving to the poor.

Let's take a look at Matthew 19 -- the story of the rich young ruler. Now, if we notice in the story, the rich man is also a very moral man. How do we know this? Because he tells us that he has kept all the laws. Basically, he is your average church going Christian of today. Well, that, and he's very wealthy. He asks Jesus what he can do in order to receive eternal life. Jesus' response? Sell all your possessions and give to the poor.

Why did Jesus respond that way? Because Jesus saw the bondage that was in the man's heart. He saw that the man held and trusted more closely to his earthly possessions in this life than he ever could to the possessions of the Kingdom of Heaven (which is a severe bondage, indeed). Jesus was telling him that in order to step into eternal life, he had to leave one life to embrace another.

Notice that Jesus didn't tell the rich young ruler that he couldn't keep his money. He told him to sell his possessions and give to the poor. Not "sell everything you own and give it all away so you have nothing." Jesus wasn't planning on leaving the guy a poor man himself! Jesus wanted to rid the man of the root of greed in his heart.

Jesus was saying, "I want you fully abandoned to me! I want you to SELL OUT."

There is a root of greed in our hearts when it comes to our money. Mainly it stems from us not really knowing who our financial backer is (it's God, by the way, if you haven't read the previous post). Our ability to trust in our money more than in God is a bondage that holds many of us.

If you want to see how far it has you gripped, there's a simple test. When you come up to a stoplight and you see a beggar on the side of the road with a sign asking for money... how do you react on the inside? Do you grimace? Do you begin thinking of all the excuses not to give money? "Oh, he'll probably just spend it on beer or drugs." "Well, I do have to use this money to pay a bill...." or "Someone else will take care of it."

If you've had these thoughts you're not alone (and this includes me, let me tell you!). But what I've come to learn, however, is that there is a bondage in our hearts that we don't even realize. And the only way to get rid of it is to give away what we have. (This also relates to spiritual principles -- remember when Paul talks about us being doers of the word and not hearers only, thus deceiving ourselves? We become deceieved when we learn something from the Lord and we don't give it away to help someone else. You'll see why in a minute).

The only way to remove the bondage from our hearts is to give away what we have. I know a guy who is so convicted by this that if he is approached by someone on the street asking for money, and he even grimaces on the inside a little, he'll give double what he was going to give in order to weed that bondage out of him. But another point I've noticed is that this man already made the decision in his heart to give of ANYONE who asked. He had a core value that already made the decision for him. It's the kind of value we need on the insides of us.

Jump over with me to Ephesians 4:28. Let me ask a question... When does a theif no longer become a theif? We would say, "Well, when he earns his keep!" but Paul goes a step further and says, "...he must labor, performing with his own hands what is good, so that he will have something to share with one who has need." You stop becoming a theif when you've earned and GIVEN AWAY that which you have.

So, we know that giving to the poor is the way to break off the stronghold of greed in our lives. But there are a great many things associated with giving to the poor -- such as blessing, protection, and even healing.

Look at Isaiah 58:6 - Listen to what the Lord says -- "Is this not the fast which I choose, to loosen the bonds of wickedness, to undo the bands of the yoke, and to let the oppressed go free and break every yoke? Is it not to divide your bread with the hungry and bring the homelss poor into the house; when you see the naked, to cover him; and not to hide yourself from your own flesh? Then your light will break out like the dawn, and your recovery will speedily break forth; and your righteousness will go before you; the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard..." etc. etc. (quick note: living a "fasted" lifestyle has really nothing to do with giving up food or living like a poor man... but it DOES have to do with providing for those in need. That is the fast that God has chosen for us -- to be giving away what we have).

Did you notice the promises? If you break off the yoke of oppression and feed the hungry (give to the poor, etc)... there are several things that will happen.
1. Your light will shine forth. You will become a beacon of hope and blessing to all those around you.
2. Your recovery will speedily break forth. You are promised to be healed if you give to the poor.
3. The glory of the Lord will be your rear guard. You are promised supernatural protection from the enemy (both physical and spiritual). If you keep reading in Isaiah 58 you'll notice that he continues about how protected you'll be against any evil coming your way.

Even more so, there is another blessing associated with giving to the poor. Jump over to Proverbs 19:17 - "One who is gracious to a poor man lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his good deed."
4. You will be repayed in full for whatever you give. Not only that, but you'll get riches in heaven because the poor can't pay you back on earth. (Think about this -- even the tithe and offerings come back to you in the natural. However, a poor man can't repay... so the Lord sees and HE repays. How awesome is that?"

Here's a story to prove my point: My Pastor was going on a trip to Argentina. Now, he didn't have the finances to pay for his trip. We (the interns) were with him on our way up to a conference. My Pastor has the value in his heart to give to whoever asks... he also understands the principle that if you have a $1,500 bill to pay and you only have $500 in your account, you might as well take the $500 and give to the poor because its not enough to pay your bill anyway and the Lord repays. So we pull up to a stoplight and there's a beggar there. My Pastor rolls down the window and hands the man all the money in his wallet (a hefty sum!), knowing that it won't be enough to pay for his trip anyway. Later on at the conference, he receieved over $650 from random people who told him that the Lord prompted them to give. It was enough to pay for his trip.

Giving to the poor is a necessity to a healthy Christian lifestyle. It's not just for the church's benevolence offering (which is great, by the way). It's not just for those rich people who can afford it. We're all called to walk in the ability to give to those in need. And if we do, it comes with a promise.

Let me briefly recap:

Need healing in your body? Give to the poor. (In Psalms 41 it is promised that you WILL NOT die of health issues if you are faithful in giving to the poor).
Need protection from spiritual oppression? Give to the poor.
Need a financial blessing or provision in your life? Give to the poor.
And, as a bonus: it will rid you of the root of greed in your life.

This is a very critical principle. I've began applying it to my own life and I'm astonished at the results. The more money I give, the more I seem to have (and mysteriously, even... because I don't know where its coming from!!). The more money I give, the less problems in my spiritual walk. The more money I give, the healthier I've been. I'm serious. This really does work. The Lord cares about the poor. And He cares about His children. If He's provided for you, go and provide for someone else. Do it! I dare you.

And remember - we have to die to live. We have to give to keep. As Misty Edwards says, "It's the inside-outside-upsidedown Kingdom."

Living Like Financial Royalty

Over the past several months I have come to a very important realization -- I am spoiled.

When people hear that, they often shudder. Images come to mind of rotten little kids throwing a tatrum in the middle of a grocery store until their parents submit and give them the candy they've been screaming for. The idea of being "spoiled" always puts a bad taste in our mouths.

However, may I propose that it shouldn't? May I even go so far as to suggest that we begin living as spoiled children? I'm not suggesting that we become rude, selfish, and self-absorbed... but I'm talking of a Kingdom principle.

I have found that in my life I have never (not even once) found myself in lack of anything. I'm speaking in terms of everything from spiritual, to physical, to especially financial areas of my life. Have I always been able to buy anything on a whim? No. But that is not the definition of "not being in lack." I have always had every need provided for abundantly.... and I could never explain it until now.

People constantly bring their problems before me -- especially their financial problems. The common theme played out before my eyes is "if I only had a little more money I could do more for the Kingdom" or "I don't have enough money to do the things God's called me to do." It all revolves around not having enough.

Here is my point: The mindset of "not having enough" is the mindset of a Pauper. If you find yourself constantly worrying about where the next bill is coming from, or how you're gonna to finance your life, or how if you only had more money you'd be okay... you're living like a poor man in the kingdom of a rich man.

You're living below your birthright.

You were born into Royalty. You are the Son or Daughter of a King. That makes you a Prince or a Princess. How did you become one? You married the Son of the King most High. God is your Father. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. Get this: YOU DON'T NEED ANYTHING.

You have the right and the obligation to live out of a spoiled mindset -- out of the idea that you can have anything of Heaven at your hands right now. You only have to access it by faith. You have the right and the obligation to write the check first, and say, "Don't worry, my Dad will take care of it." You have the right and obligation to give abundantly to those who really are in need (which is an important subject that I will post about next).

When you're walking around in your daily life, you represent a God who has no lack or need. So why do you live like you have lack and need?

I'm telling you -- the provision will very rarely come first. It starts with the mindset that you have everything at your beck and call. That includes angels for spiritual matters (like healing -- God's servants can be sent at your whim to heal whomever you ask for.. did you know that?)

Some people get offended when I talk like that simply because they think being a Christian means living poor and "humble." Did you know that what most people consider as "humility" is really insecurity? It's false humility. It's actually Pride. Humility comes when you have a correct understanding of who you are and what you deserve (it requires good self-esteem) and yet you choose to take less and honor others above yourself. That's humility. Remember, it doesn't honor the artist to demean the painting. Living poor and humbly means knowing that you deserve all the riches of the Kingdom of Heaven, and yet when the check comes you take half of it and give it to the poor. That is humility.

Know that you have the riches of the Kingdomo of Heaven (according to HIS riches in glory!) available to you at all times.

To not live out of an understanding that you have financial freedom is to live out of a mindset of Greed. You hoard what you have because you don't know if there is more coming. That kind of living is how the world gets a grip on you. It's that precise thinking that the Lord warns about when He says that you can't love God and Mammon. You can't serve a God who has given you everything when you think there isn't enough... because you aren't trusting Him to provide -- you're trusting your paycheck.

When I decided to go into "full-time ministy" people would always tell me, "Wow you must really be living by faith (financially)!" Which is true... I do trust God for my paycheck. But at the same time, are they assuming that someone who works a 9-5 job isn't living by faith? Everyone lives by faith financially. The problem is they're either having faith in God to provide for them, or they're having faith that they're paycheck will cover all their needs. They're either trusting God, or they're trusting money. My theory is that the paycheck will never be enough. My theory is that God will always be enough.

And lastly, like I said earlier -- the provision rarely comes first. What I mean is that if you are waiting to give to the poor, or to do something you feel the Lord is calling you to do until the "money appears in your bank account," please think twice. Realize that you're called to live like royalty and that you can write the check first, in faith, knowing your Dad has your back.

I've had countless encounters with people telling me that they had no money to do something they knew the Lord was calling them to do, so they "wrote the check" anyway, and immediately were "backed up" with miraculous finances. God, the King, doesn't leave His kids in the dust. He has no problem promoting people and giving them riches and wealth -- but He won't give it to people who aren't ready. Meaning -- He won't give it to you if you think like a pauper. He'll give it to you when you're ready to think like a King.