Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Pursuit of Healing

Last night the Lord continued to re-enforce the fight that happens in prayer -- the pressing in to enter the reality of heaven. I was reminded of Jacob wrestling with the angel of the Lord. When the word came to Jacob that his name was to be changed, he didn't just say, "Okay then," and walk away. He grabbed that angel and held on and said, "You're not leaving until I get the blessing from this!" He understood that there was more that God wanted to say. God was not just giving him a nice word, he was giving him a doorway into a new reality.

So with me, it was an old word that I was wrestling with. Last February the Lord declared over me that I was healed from migraine headaches. At the time, I believed Him, but to me it was a simple word that I let slip. I didn't understand that He was trying to bring me into a reality of the Kingdom that I could walk in. I just thought, "Oh, well, if another headache comes He'll heal me again." I didn't understand that He was inviting me to walk in divine health.

So this morning I decided to fight for something. I woke up with a slight migraine -- not enough to cripple me, but enough to greatly annoy me -- it was really nothing some ibuprofin wouldn't have fixed... but I decided that I could either get up and go take some medicine, or I could fight to enter into the reality God told me I should walk in. Looking at the promise (the word that came) and trying to understand what it meant, I began to press in. I fought in prayer. I used the weapons that I had (which aren't a lot, but enough) and prayed and prayed. And guess what... my migraine went away completely!

Hallelujah! It's more than just a miraculous healing, however. I've now entered into a reality that I can begin to wage war from. I have, in some way (probably not fully) in the past entered into it while praying for other people. My favorite testimony is the time I went to Applebees and got a word of knowledge from the Lord about our waitress. I got a sharp pain in the left side of my head and the word came to my mind that the waitress had a headache. So I asked her, and it turns out that she did have a headache on her left side (and she thought it was weird that I knew that, so I explained that the Lord had told me). I asked if I could pray for her and she said, "yes," so I did and she was healed instantly. It was an awesome encounter, but to me it was an unusual thing.

I know that I have been called to walk in healing. It was one of the first words I ever received about callings on my life. However, I'm learning that sometimes realities are given to you, and sometimes they are fought for... and this one is something that I needed to gain the victory for.

And even though I'm probably not walking in Smith Wigglesworth healing power, I know that somehow I've gained a weapon in the war. I guess now it's just a matter of learning how to use it.

1 comment:

Colleen J. said...

Thanks for reminding me that I need to fight for the realities God gives me. Sometimes I just think I didn't hear God right but it is because I am not fighting for what I believe. If I don't fight with God I can end up fight against Him. Lord, help me in my battle. Thanks, Joanne for being an instrument of God in my life.